Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hall Caw


Attire 3

nWo Version/updated face


  1. where is the formula bro?
    please post only the nWo and wolfpack formula,i dont have XBL :(

  2. Please man,im tired to find this caw
    please i am your admirer!!
    And i dont have Xbox live :(
    My e-mail is kevinelsanto@hotmail.com
    please answer me!

  3. OK,Please, I you beg it, though he is tell me which the formula for scott hall`s face

  4. hey tekken 57 i have been following ur threads on this website and on Caws.ws regarding texturing and im having problems finding the appropriate face body morphings to correctly match the textures i plan on inserting into the game. i was wondering would be it possible if you email me the face and body morphings for Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as i'm quite impressed with both and the attires on both are probably the best i've seen thus far! I've been spending a long time working on my own RVD trying to convert him from the face and body morphings i used in SVR 2008 but as result of threads i've just recently found making the process easier. I plan on creating on Tazz and Samoa Joe as there aint to many creations of those two available on Caw.ws so possibly i could send u the morphings once there complete?

  5. Hey guys. I don't have these caws anymore, I had to delete the save when I used brienj's save. I will most probably be creating these caws again this year, so hang in there.
