Sunday, March 22, 2015

Editing PS2 Yobj files

(Click on any of the pics to enlarge)

What you will need:
-        X-Rey
-        Blender 2.49b
-        Python 2.6.2a
-        Blender 2.73

1.      After downloading and setting the above software up, open Blender 2.49b. Click File – open and select the import-rumble-roses-ps2-2011-11-06.blend script file. When the script file is open, click Alt+p to run the script.

The script will then look for a model file in a directory. Select the directory where your model is stored. Blender will then open the model for you.

2.      In order for you make edits which can be imported into a yobj file, you will need to export the individual parts separately. Unfortunately, blender 2.49b does not support this but blender 2.73 does. To overcome this, we are going to save the opened model in blender and then open in the newer version.         

Click file – save as and give your file a name. I’m going to call this model_edit.blend.

3.      Close blender 2.49 and open Blender 2.73. Open the blend file you just saved, in this instance is the edit_model.blend file. Now your model is opened in the newer version of blender.

4.      Edit the parts of the model you want in Blender. I’m not going to go through how to use blender to shape models as it is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

I’m just going to make a few minor edits to the left boot to illustrate the process.

5.      With your object selected, take a note of the name of the object, you will need the name when exporting. In this example, the name of the boot object is model-7.002. When we are exporting this will be named object7.obj. The “7” is derived from the name of the object i.e. model-7.002.

6.      While the object is still selected, click on file – export – wavefront (obj). When the export dialog appears, make sure you check the “Selection Only ” checkbox. Name the file the name we determined in step 5. In this instance it is object 7.

7.      Now we are ready to import the changes into your yobj file. Start X-Rey and select Open – Yobj (ps2). Select your yobj file and X-Rey will list all the objects in the model. In this case we are going to import the boot which is object7.

On the row with object7 listed, click on import and select the file we exported in step 6, in this case it is object7.obj.  If everything is in order with the file you exported from blender, you will get a message stating the “File has been injected successfully”.

8.      Your yobj file is now ready to be used in game. You can test the yobj file in blender again before you use it in game, but it is not required. 

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