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Support thread for community dlc 1 is
What you will need:
- X-Packer 9
- Le Fluffie
- A hex editor
- WWE 2k14 dlc pack 2 (warrior and ABA Taker) and dlc pack 3 (nW0) – please don’t ask me where to get these, I will not be providing copyrighted files.
I have intentionally not released a save file for the following reasons:
- I want to maintain cross platform compatibility. If ps3 support is implemented an xbox save file will not be compatible
- Each person has their own universe settings, caws, etc.
- At this stage the caw injector is untested and not working. People have requested to keep their caws and have the community dlc in the same save.
Please DO NOT release a save file with the movesets and wrestler info below.
Step 1 – Copy the dlc file to your dlc folder
- The dlc file I’ve included (dlc2) needs to be copied to your dlc folder. This dlc file replaces your dlc file file, so delete the dlc2 file first before copying the included dlc file. My dlc2 file to be deleted is called 267E5576B180BEBEABD7BE8863B0F5D62D7D37DE54.
- If you’re not sure where the dlc file should be copied, copy it to /Hdd1/Content/0000000000000000/545408B2/00000002
Step 2 – Injecting the wrestler info into your save
- Firstly you need to extract your save from it’s save container as X-Packer can only read extracted saves.
- Copy your SaveData.dat from your xbox to your computer. It is located in the /Hdd1/Content/your profile id/545408B2/00000001 folder.
- Make a backup of your save before doing anything further. Also make a second copy of the save file somewhere, you may need this later. X-Packer uncompresses the save file and this uncompressed file can only be inject back into the container once by Le Fluffie. Le Fluffie gets confused if you inject a second time. So if you need to inject into the save container more than once, you will need to use the second copy of the save file you make.
- Open your save data file using Le Fluffie and click the second tab called “contents”
- Right click the file called SaveData.dat and click on extract.
- Save this file using whatever name you want. I usually call the file SaveData_extracted.dat
- Ok now the extracted save file can be opened in X-Packer. Click on File – Open – WWE 2k14 – Extracted Save file (xbox 360) – Wrestler Info
- Select the extracted save file you created in X-Packer
- You should see a grid listing all the slots in the save and the extension of the file should be pofo
- Open the folder in the dlc pack called “2. Wrestler Info”. In this folder, there will be a number of files which need to be injected in the slots in the save. The naming of the files will tell you which slot it needs to be inject into e.g. Slot - 105.pofo needs to be injected into Slot 105.
- Go back to X-Packer and on the each slot which has a corresponding file, click on inject and select the appropriate file.
Please note that the slots which are not activated by default will not have a slot number in X-Packer. However the slots follow sequence e.g. Slot 124 will follow Slot 123, therefore if you want to inject Slot 124, do so in the slot which follows slot 123.
If you have injected the file correctly, the slot number in x-packer will change to reflect the slot in the file which you have injected. Please ensure that the slot number is correct before injecting the next file.
Step 3 – Injecting Movesets into your save file
- Now that we have enabled all the slots, we need to give movesets and entrances to our new characters
- Open your extracted save file in X-Packer. Click on File – Open – WWE 2k14 – Extracted Save file (xbox 360) – Moveset and Entrance
- You should see a grid listing the movesets for each of the slots. The extension should be “moveset”
- Open the folder in the dlc pack called “3. Movesets”. In this folder, there will a be number of files which need to be injected in the slots in the save. The naming of the files will tell you which slot it needs to be inject into e.g. Slot - 105.pofo needs to be injected into Slot 105.
- Go back to X-Packer and on the each slot which has a corresponding moveset file, click on inject and inject the appropriate file.
- After you are done with injecting the movesets and wrestler info into you save, you can now inject the extracted save file back into the container using Le Fluffie.
- Open your original save file (SaveData.dat not the SaveData_extracted.dat file) in LeFluffie.
- Open your save data file using Le Fluffie and click the second tab called “contents”
- Right click the file called SaveData.dat and click on replace file.
- Selected your extracted Save file and Le Fluffie will replace the file with the one you edited. (Keep in mind what I said about injecting a save file twice with Le Fluffie. If you need to inject again into the container, use the second backup you have created).
- While still in Le Fluffie, click on the security tab. Make sure that “Sign for CON” is selected and then click on “Fix”.
- Now your save is ready to be copied back into your xbox.
- Copy the save file in the container (SaveData.dat not the extracted SaveData_extracted.dat) to your xbox into the save folder i.e /Hdd1/Content/your profile id/545408B2/00000001
- Before you proceed any further, if you have copied the save file and the dlc file onto your xbox, the game will list the new dlc slots in the “Downloaded Superstars” section. Start you game up and check wether the new dlc is listed. At this stage there will not be any renders, names and the game will freeze if you select any of the new dlc wrestlers, so don’t select them.
If you game does not show the new dlc under the downloaded superstars section, ensure that you have copied both the dlc file and the save file to the correct locations on your xbox. Also make sure that the save file has been edited as described in the steps above.
Step 4 – Copy the content files to your xbox
- Open the folder in the dlc pack called “4. Files to copy to your game folder”.
- Copy each of the files in this folder to the correct locations. The files are in the directory structure in which they must be copied to.
Step 5 – Creating your arc files
- Open the folder in the dlc pack called Arc Entries.
- There are two folders here. The first folder called “Complete arc with Hogan and Goldberg mods” contains my completed arc files. My arc references my Hogan mods and Tich’s Goldberg mods.
- You have two options here, either you can install my Hogan’s and Tich Goldberg and use my arc file or you can add the additional arc entries to your arc file.
- If you choose to use my arc file, copy the arc from the folder called “Complete arc with Hogan and Goldberg mods” to you games folder, replacing your arc file.
- If you choose to add the additional entries into your arc, open your arc file in a hex editor. Also open the arc file in the “Manual Arc creation” folder in your hex editor.
- Scroll to the end of your arc file. You should see a section right at the end with the text “SAVE” some bytes after that, ending with “yyyy”. The corresponding hex values for yyyy is “FF FF FF FF”.
- The “FF FF FF FF” at the end of the arc file tells the game that the arc file ends here. You need to delete this. Highlight the last four bytes in your arc file in your hex editor and press delete on your keyboard.
- Save your arc file before we proceed.
- Go to the arc file which you opened from the “Manual Arc creation” folder in your hex editor. Select all the values and copy it to the clipboard. Go back your file and paste these values right at the end.
- Save your arc file and copy it back into the game.
Step 6 – Injecting strings into the dlc 3 file
- This final step is to fix the names of the new dlc characters you added, you can leave this out if you are not concerned about the names.
- Open your dlc3 file in Le Fluffie and click the contents tab (my dlc file is called B66F56549929ABAE96EA716DD039B9C2FE86677C54). You need to replace two files here i.e. the “catalog_hd.arc” file in the “info” folder. You also need to replace the “string_dlc03.pac” file in the “pac” folder. Right click on each of the files to replace and click on the "Inject file" option. DO NOT use the replace file option.
- After replacing these files, click on the security tab. Make sure that “Sign for dev live” is selected and then click on “fix.”
- Copy the dlc 3 file to your xbox.
Step 7 – Creating User Playlists
- I’ve created the following user playlists on my xbox, create the same if you want the entrance music to load.The numbers are only for reference and should be used in the name e.g. 1. acolytes, your playlist should be called acolytes
- Don’t edit the entrances using the in game entrance editor as you will lose the trons.
1. acolytes
2. bookert
3. buffbagwell
4. benoit
5. ddp
6. dx
7. shamrock
8. angle
9. lod
10. rvd
11. steiner
12. 2cool
14. goldberg
That’s it. If you have done everything correctly, the dlc pack will load. Enjoy J