Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to add alt attires using X-Packer 9

Thank you to KidSampson for writing this tutorial

Necessary components to complete the steps outlined in this tutorial:

  • X-packer 9  (Download and donate to Tekken) - Make sure you are using the latest version so that the arcs update correctly.
  • misc01_Start.pac  (2K14 Game Folder)
  • plist360.arc  (2K14 Game Folder)
  • xbdecompress  (Link in tutorial)
  • modified ch pac with additional attires or edited textures  (Download from forum)

NOTE: Prior to making changes to any game files, I suggest creating a backup from which you can restore in case something goes wrong.


PART I: Updating the arc files

So you’ve downloaded a great mod from the forum and want to add it to your game, but you’re wondering where to start. Thankfully, X-Packer 9 simplifies the process and does much of the heavy lifting for us. Adding a wrestler mod to your game requires two steps: updating the arc file entries for the new attires and activating the attires within the misc pac. This tutorial will walk you through each step below, using a mod from the forums to demonstrate the basic procedure for completing these tasks. After you add a few mods, these procedures will become routine.


The first step is to download a mod you wish to add to your game. You may also create your own mod and add additional textures or attires to a ch pac, but that is a more complex process for another tutorial. 


For this tutorial, I am using Red Rooster’s mod of the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase, as an example. If you want to follow along, you can download this mod at http://smacktalks.or...tire-released/.


Each wrestler is assigned a model number. Pac files contain this model reference number. For example, Ted DiBiase’s is 136. By default, DiBiase has two attires in game. Red has edited these attires and added a third texture from Legends of Wrestlemania, a previous WWE game. In order to work in game, this third attire needs to be referenced within the game’s arc files.


  1. Within X-Packer, press Ctrl + X. Then select the pac file you downloaded: ch136.pac. All pac files you add to your game should follow this naming convention. (chXXX.pac – where XXX represents the character model number)
  2. The window that appears shows the contents of the pac file, which is made up of individual attires. These containers are called pach files and there are two types: in-ring attires and entrance attires. Each follows a naming convention.
  3. In-Ring Attires are designated with a 2 at the end of their file name. Entrance attires end with a 4.
  4. To determine the total number of attires contained within a pac file, count the number of attires that end in 2. For example, this mod has three: 00013602, 00013612, 00013622. (You can see that the naming convention follows a pattern: 000 + Model Number + Attire. The first attire always begins with 02. Each additional attire adds +1 to the second to last number: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, etc.)
  5. Although we are not concerned with the entrance attires at this point, for the sake of thoroughness, notice that this pac has two: 00013604 and 00013624. These attires are for the first and third attires, respectively. 
  6. To update our arc entries, simply click on the button that reads: Add additional attire data to arc file. In the window that opens, browse to your plist360.arc and click OK. (If you play on a standard definition TV without widescreen support, you will need to repeat this process and select the second 4x3 arc file. For most users, this step is not necessary.)
  7. X-Packer will show which entries were updated successfully. This box should account for all of the attires within the pac, otherwise something went wrong.

After updating the arc files, the next step is to add references for new attires to the misc pac file.



PART II: How to add alternate attires using the misc pac editor


Step 1: Decompress the misc pac


By default, the misc01_Start.pac is a compressed file. You must first decompress the file before you can open it with X-Packer to make edits.


There may be other tools to accomplish this task, but I use XBCompression by XDK. (HotavioH posted a pack of tools here on the forum in January 2013 that contains the file:


After you download and extract the file above, follow these steps:


Go to Windows / Start menu, select Run, and type cmd

Click OK to open a window with a black background (command prompt window)

Drag the xbdecompress.exe that is inside the xbcompression folder into the black window.

Then, press spacebar and drag your “misc01_Start.pac” into the same box.

Press the spacebar again and drag the "misc01_Start.pac" into the window one more time.

Without adding any spaces, type .uncompress and press Enter.


This will create a decompressed version of your misc.pac file.


Step 2: Edit the misc pac with X-Packer 9


  1. To load your misc pac file select File > Open > WWE 2K14 > Misc.pac (alternate attires) within X-Packer 9.
  2. Browse to and select the uncompressed misc pac you created earlier.
  3. Once the misc pac loads, you will see a table that displays the package contents.
  4. The first column is the wrestler ID. Column 2 shows the number of active attires. Columns A1 : A10 represent attire slots. 2K14 allows for up to 10 attires for each wrestler.
  5. Notice that two menus appear along the top of the misc pac editor window: WWE 13 Attire Values and WWE 2K14 Attire Values. These serve as reference lists for available attire strings. (2K14 attire values may also be referenced at: http://smacktalks.or...ease-sticky-me/)
  6. Recall that Ted Dibiase’s model number is 136. If we scroll to 136 in the misc pac editor window we see that this wrestler has 2 attires by default. Remember that the mod that Red Rooster provided has 3 attires: the two in-game attires with edits and a third attire taken from Legends of Wrestlemania.
  7. To make this mod work in game, we must adjust the number of attires using the misc pac editor.
  8. Begin by clicking on the row of wrestler 136. In column 2, use the pull-down menu to set the number of active attires to 3.  (NOTE: The misc pac editor also allows you to set values for all attires simultaneously. For individual edits, make changes within the row. Be aware that the larger box at the bottom changes the values of ALL wrestlers.)
  9. The next step is to select a name for each attire. Column A1 corresponds to attire 1; A2 corresponds to attire 2; and A3 corresponds to attire 3.
  10. The attires Red Rooster provided in his pack are for Wrestlemania 4, Wrestlemania 11, and Legends of Wrestlemania. So we may select the following strings as attire names from the pull-down lists: WM 4 = 000E,  WM 11 = 0136,  Legends = 0016.
  11. For each attire, choose the corresponding hex values from the pull-down list. Once all three attire names have been set, click the purple button labeled SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the window.

    At this point you have edited the misc pac to load an additional attire for ch136.pac (aka The Million Dollar Man).

Step 3: Rename and Copy Files to Game Folder


The last step is essentially cleanup. Rename your edited uncompressed misc pac to the original file name: misc01_start.pac. This file does not need to be recompressed; the uncompressed file will load just fine.


Then copy both your edited wrestler pac (ch136.pac) and your new misc01_Start.pac over to their default locations within your game folder.


The misc pac should be placed in the root of the pac folder. When prompted, confirm that you wish to replace the file.


Within the pac folder is a ch subfolder. Wrestler ch pacs are stored here. Copy ch136.pac and confirm that you wish to replace the file.


If everything was done successfully, your game should load properly. Within the game you will notice that DiBiase now has three selectable attires, the third of which will be named Legends. Repeat this process for adding additional mods.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Adding Wrestlers as DLC in WWE 2K14 - X-PacKer 9

Thanks to MiztahRaza for writing this up

The following tutorial divided into 8 total parts further divided in to 2 sections:
 Section 1:
-Editing the SaveData.dat
-Editing the Catalog.dlc
-Rebuilding the DLC package
-Rebuilding the Save file
-Editing the strings.pac

Section 2:
-Editing the arc files
-Editing the def files

To do the above, you will need:

- A WWE 2K14 SaveData file
- A WWE 2K14 DLC Pack
- LeFluffie
- CONcept/Horizon
-X-PacKer 9

Part One – Editing the SaveData.dat:
1.      You will need to extract your WWE 2K14 Save file. To do so, open LeFluffie and drag and drop the WWE 2K14 SaveData into the LeFluffie window. A window will appear, click on the ‘Contents’ tab. Right click on the file there and select extract. Your window should look like this:


2.      Name and save the file. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve saved it to the desktop.

3.      Open the extracted file using the WWE 2K14 à Extracted Save à Wrestler Info

4.      The following window will appear.

5.      All Slot – 0s are ‘No Model’ slots, they’re free for you to add your wrestlers as DLC. So, click on any one of them:

6.      Here’s a breakdown of all options:

  • Full Name – Leave this for now, this will be edited after we edit the Strings.pac
  • Nick Name – Ditto
  • Short Name – Ditto
  • Gender – Self-explanatory, choose Male or Female depending upon the gender of your added superstar
  • Brand – Choose the brand for your added superstar
  • Cheer/Boo – Choose whether your added superstar is a heel or face
  • Height – Enter a numerical value of your wrestler’s height, in metres.
  • Playable – Set this to yes
  • Menu Sort Order – Add 1000 to your added wrestler’s ID, so if you’re adding a superstar to slot 108, add 1000 to that, so your Menu Sort Order would be 1108
  • Wrestler ID – It is best to note down the ID before the Slot – 0, in the picture above, the slot I chose came after Slot – 107, so this one must be 108
  • DLC Pack – This tells the game which dlc pack unlocks the wrestler. This numbr must correspond to the value you set for you dlc below.  
  • Weight – Select your added wrestler’s weight class.
7.      So fill in all the values in the POFO Editor, and select inject.

That’s it for this part.

Part Two – Editing the Catalog.dlc

1.      Drag and drop your DLC archive into LeFluffie
2.      Go into the Contents tab
3.      Go into the info folder
4.      In the bottom part of the window, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, extract this similar to how you extracted the SaveData file
5.      Open the file in X-PacKer using the WWE2K14 à Open Catalog.DLC file function
6.      The following window appears:16e2.png
Here’s a breakdown of what is what:
·         DLC Pack Number – Self explanatory. Put in a value which your dlc pack will be numbered. If you editing an existing dlc pack to add more wresters, don't change this value. This value must also correspond to the dlc pack number you used in your wrestler info file.
·         DLC Content ID starts from – This is a cumulative total of hom many dlc items have been added to the game so far. e.g if dlc pack has 10 items and dlc dlc pack 2 has 10 items. This value must be 21 as it takes into account all dlc items which came before this pack.
·         No of additional files in DLC – Always set to zero
·         Name of Content – Name your wrestler, this doesn’t show up in game, it’s just to help you keep track of what’s in what DLC pack  ;)
·         Wrestler ID to unlock as, put the ID of the wrestler slot you edited in part 1, I edited 108 so I would put 108 there.
·         Content type – Unless you’re some genius who’s adding other types of files in the game, set all of these boxes as ‘Superstar’
·         Id in DLC – Basically, no 2 IDs in ANY DLC pack can be the same, so make sure that never happens.

Your numbers must be in sequence starting from 0 moving upwards.

Part Three – Rebuilding the DLC package:

1.      Start up LeFluffie
2.      Drag and drop the DLC package to which your edited catalog.dlc belonged to
3.      In the window that pops up, click on the contents tab.
4.      Collapse the info folder
5.      In the bottom pane, you will notice a catalog.dlc file, right click and select inject
6.      Navigate to your edited DLC file and double click it.
7.      Go into the general tab in the window inside LeFluffie (your DLC window) and click rebuld.
8.      Go into the Security tab
9.      Click the “Sign for Dev LIVE” button
10.  Click Fix.
11.  Close LeFluffie.
12.  You can name the newly edited DLC package whatever you like.
13.  Move it back to your USB using Horizon

Part Four – Rebuilding the Save File

1.      Open LeFluffie
2.      Drag and drop any WWE2K14 SaveData.dat file, NOT an extracted one.
3.      Go into the contents tab
4.      In the bottom pane, you will see one file.
5.      Right click it and select inject
6.      Navigate to the edited EXTRACTED SaveData.Dat file that you edited with X-PacKer 9 and double click it
7.      Rehash and resign it with horizon/CONcept. (LeFluffie never worked for me for Rehashing and Resigning).

Part Five – Editing the String.pac

The RedRooster has been kind enough to write a tutorial regarding this topic, you can check it out here:
After you have edited the strings.pac, note down the ID of the string you edited and paste it in all the name textboxes in  the POfO editor in the first part of the tutorial

Ok guys, I know Miztah is busy, so let me help with part two. Miztah, you can type this out more detailed if you want.

If you have followed Miztah's tutorial correctly so far, the game will display your new wrestlers as dlc on your menu. However at this stage the game has not loaded the pac files containing the wrestlers. So if you select the wreslter, you will either get a dirty disc error or you will get a fatal crash.

There are three more steps to get the game to load your new dlc wrestlers.

1. Prepare your wrestler pac file
You need to create a pac file containing the wrestler you want. The pac file needs to be named the same as the slot your are enabling e.g If you are enabling slot 499, your pac file needs to be called ch499.pac.

Each of the attires in the pac file also needs to be named correctly e.g. 00049902, 00049912, etc.
If you need more detailed instructions, read the tutorial on creating alt attires, it shows you how to create a new pac from a dummy pac:

2. Create an entry in the Def file
The def file controls which files are loaded in the game. Scroll right to the end of the file and add an entry for your new pac file. The pac files should be copied into the ch\pac folder in your wwe 2k14 game folder. So for slot 499 your entry will be pac\ch\ch499.pac . Look at the entries in def file for other wrestler pac's if you are not sure about the naming convention for the entries.

3. Add a new entry in your arc file
Now that the game has loaded your file, an entry needs to be made in arc file for the game to use the file. The correct approach to add an entry is to look at the position in the def file. The arc file references this position by assigning a number to the pac file.

To illustrate, the first file in the def file will be referenced as 00 00 in the arc. Second file 00 01, etc. Please note that the numbering starts from zero.

This numbering is not essential as the arc will load the file even if you have the wrong number but I like to stick to the numbering convention so as to avoid wierd errors later on.

- Open your def file and copy all the contents excluding the first line ";PAC_LIST_ARC_EPAC_BIG" .
- Paste the contents into excel
- On column next to where you pasted your contents start creating numbers starting from 0 going down to your last file.


- On row with the new pac file you want to add to the arc, take a note of the number in your excel sheet. e.g. in my def file ch499 is file number 379.
- Open the pac file in x-packer and click the "Add new data to arc file" button"
- You will asked to enter a number for the entry in the def file, in our example enter the number 379.
- If there are no entries already in your arc file for the pac file, new entries will be added for the pac file in the arc.


So now you are done. Copy you arc and def file to the root of your game folder. Copy your wrestler pac file into the pac\ch folder. Start the game and load your new wrestler. If you encounter an error, go through the above steps again.

My recommendation is to do one wrestler at a time. Take backups each time, if the wrestler works, then start adding the next wrestler.

Texture Modding using ZLIB functions in X-PacKer 9

Thanks to MiztahRaza for writing this up

Ever been annoyed by the fact that you had to update those pesky little arc files for a simple attire retexture? Or perhaps you had to edit another file that X-PacKer couldn't update the arcs for? We've all been there, but, with the arrival of the brand new, kick-ass X-PacKer 9 you won't ever need to touch those again! Well, maybe sometimes :p

So, let's get started:

You'll need the following:
  • X-PacKer 9
  • Your favourite photo editing software
Aaaand, that's basically it.

Okay, so first off, you're going to want to have a texture file ready to go and make up a sweet texture. It doesn't matter who you want, it better be good though. If it ain't the modding Gods be comin' after you

Then, uncompress your chxxx.pac file using xbdecompress.

Open your uncompressed file in X-PacKer 9 using Ctrl + X

Extract the PACH file you wish to edit

Open your PACH file using the Ctrl + 3 function

Uncompress the 000A and/or 000C.pac files according to the textures you want to edit.

Press Ctrl + T and choose your 000A/000C texture archives.

Inject your edited texture.

Open the PACH file using the CTRL + 3 function again.

Now, press the "Compress and inject" button in X-PacKer 9 and choose your 000A/000C file.

Inject your PACH file back into the chxxx.pac file.

That's it! No need to update the arcs! How conviniet, right?

Editing Wrestler Entrances

Thanks to MiztahRaza for writing up this tutorial.

Ever wanted to have The Great Khali come out to Brian Kendrick's motion in the tag entrance? No? Well, that's not a good example. Hmmmm..... How about have your added DLC wrestler have an entrance with an ADDED titantron? Gettin' better, eh? Well, this is quite easy. All it takes is 10 bucks, a brain and some spare time.

Oh and the following:
  • Horizon
  • LeFluffie
  • A USB Stick formatted with the XBOX 360
First off, use your hard-earned money, specifically an amount of $10 to fill Tekken57's pocket and get yourself a copy of X-PacKer 9.

Then, open it up and take a minute to behold the greatness that is X-PacKer 9.

Now, extract SaveData.dat from your USB stick using Horizon.

Open LeFluffie and drag the extracted SaveData.dat into the window

Go into the Contents tab

In the bottom pane, you will see a file, right click it and select extract, save it to your Desktop and name it Extract.Dat

With X-PacKer 9 open, use the WWE 2K14 --> Extracted Save File(xbox 360) --> Moveset & Entrance function and navigate to your Extract.Dat and open it.

Now, choose your desired slot and double click it. The following window should appear:
Fun fact: Tekken57 was in fact NOT drunk nor high when he coded this program, which means that everything does SOMETHING, and here's a breakdown of what does what in this particular window:
  • Preset entrance - This is what your wrestler comes out to. The IDs at this point are not known, but I'm pretty sure they are ordered according to the ID numbers, so 100 is The Rock's entrance, etc. You can enter in your own values if you know any. Please note that the value put in here must be valid, ie, it must belong to one of the original ingame wrestlers in order for it to work.
  • Entrance Movie - Now this is some good stuff. Using this, you can actually ADD a titantron to an added wrestler. Enter in your added wrestler's ID number and make a .bik2 titantron with the same name(105.bik2 for ch105, etc) and place it in the movies/titantron folder in the game folder.
  • Entrance Music - Same as Preset Entrance, IDs are not known, however they're the same as the IDs
  • Champion Entrance - The champion entrances have their own IDs which are unknown at this time.
So make your desired changes and click Inject.

If you want to completely copy the moveset, entrance, movie, etc from wrestler and copy to another, you can do so by extracting a slot's file and injecting it in another slot ;)

Anyway, after you've made your changes, open up LeFluffie.

Drag and drop your SaveData.dat into the window

Go into the Contents tab

In the bottom pane, there should be a file, right click it and select inject. Navigate to your edited Extract.dat.

Close LeFluffie and open Horizon.

Drag and drop the SaveData.dat that you just edited in LeFluffie into the Horizon window
Rehash and resign with your IDs and transfer to your USB.

Voila! You're wrestler comes out to the entrance/music/movie you specified ;)

Let me know if this is good or if you have any suggestions..

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Using the X-Packer 9 Wrestler Info Editor

Thank you to RedRooster for typing this tutorial out

Using the X-Packer 9 Wrestler Info Editor

You will need :

X Packer 9
Le Fluffie
Your SaveData.dat file (should be located /HDD1/Content/Your Profile ID/545408B2/00000001 folder)

Make sure you keep at least one (preferably more) backup of you SaveData.dat file before attempting this (If you screw the pooch it’s not my fault)

1)      Open Le Fluffie
2)      Select File -> Open a File -> Browse to your SaveData.dat and click Open
3)      Click on the Contents tab
4)      In the viewing window Right-click SaveData.dat
5)      Select “Extract File”
6)      Browse to where you would like to save the file and type the name in the Filename box (I use the name SaveData.extracted.dat)
7)      Click Save
8)      Close Le Fluffie
9)      Open Xpacker 9
10)   Select File -> Open -> WWE 2k14 -> Extracted Save File (Xbox360) -> Wrestler info (Or hit Crtl + S)
11)   Browse to your SaveData.extracted.dat file and click Open
12)   You will now see a list of all the wrestler slots in the save, find the one you are looking for (In this example I am going to edit The Rock who is slot 100)
13)   Double click the Slot in the File Name column eg. Slot – 100
14)   The POfO Editor window will open showing wrestler info (see pic below)

As you can see, this window allow changing various settings for the wrestler, in this example I am going to change the Full Name of The Rock to the string entry I edited in my Editing the String.pac *Tutorial which can be found here

15)  Select the text box below Full Name
16)  Type the Hex Address of the new string eg. A157
17)  Click the Inject button and you will see “File injected successfully”
18)   Close Xpacker
19)  Open Le Fluffie
20)  Select File -> Open a File -> Browse to your SaveData.dat and click Open
21)   Click on the Contents tab
22)  In the viewing window Right-click SaveData.dat
23)   Select “Replace File”
24)   Browse to your SaveData.extracted.dat file and click Open
25)   Click on the Security tab
26)   Click Fix (Sign for CON and Rehash should already be selected)
27)   Transfer your SaveData.dat back to your Xbox

If you have done everything correctly you should now see whatever text you put in string A157 displayed as the Rocks name.

Changing any of the other values should be fairly self explanatory apart from DLC Pack number which will be explained in a different tutorial.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Editing the String.pac

A Big Thank You to RedRooster for typing out this tutorial. 

You will need :

-          Le Fluffie
-          The latest DLC file saved to your PC

1)      Open Le Fluffie
2)      Select File -> Open a File
3)      Browse to your DLC file and click Open
4)      Click the Contents tab
5)      Click on pac
6)      In the viewing window at the bottom Right-Click the string file (string_dlc3.pac or similar)
7)      Select Extract from the drop down list
8)      Type a name for the file in the File name section (eg string.pac)
9)      Click Save button to save the file in the location you choose
10)   Open X-Packer 9
11)   Select File -> Open -> Xbox360 \ PS3 Pac (Or hit Ctrl + X)
12)   Browse to the string.pac file you saved and click open (it is a large file so may take a few seconds to open)
13)   Click the Extract button next to the File named 5000
14)   Save 5000.pac where you would like it
15)   Select File -> Open -> Xbox360 \ PS3 PACH (Or hit Ctrl + 3)
16)   Browse to where you saved 5000.pac, select it and click Open
17)   Click the Uncompress button
18)   Select a location you would like to save the files
19)   Select File -> Open -> WWE 2k14 -> Strings.pac 0000 File (Or hit Ctrl + 0)
20)   Browse to 0000.zlib.uncompressed (where you uncompressed it to)
21)   Click Open
The 0000 file contains thousands of string entries so finding the one you require may take some time. Double clicking on the Filename will open a dialogue box displaying the text it contains.

Wrestler Full Names


Unlockables Text (Good location for replacing strings) – These will be used for future DLC packs


In this example I will edit the string at A157 “Big John Studd (Wrestlemania)”
22)  Double click the file name column of entry A157
23)  Delete and replace the text with what ever you would like (new text must be the same length or shorter than the original text)
24)   Click Ok (You should see “String changed correctly”
25)   Select File -> Open -> Xbox360 \ PS3 PACH (Or hit Ctrl + 3)
26)   Browse to 5000.pac and click Open
27)   Click “Compress and Inject” button and browse to 0000.zlib.uncompressed
28)   Click Open (You should see “file compressed and injected successfully”)
29)   Select File -> Open -> Xbox360 \ PS3 Pac (Or hit Ctrl + X)
30)   Browse to string.pac and click Open
31)   Click “Inject” Button next to 5000
32)  Browse to your saved 5000.pach file and click Open
33)   Return to Le Fluffie
34)   Right click the string.pac file in the Le Fluffie viewing window
35)   Select “Inject File”
36)   Browse to the string.pac file you made with X Packer, hit Open
37)   Click the Security Tab and select “Sign for Dev Live”
38)   Click the “Fix” Button
39)   Close Le Fluffie
40)   Transfer the DLC back to your Xbox

How to Apply the Community DLC Pack 1

Download here

Support thread for community dlc 1 is here

What you will need:

-        X-Packer 9
-        Le Fluffie
-        A hex editor

-        WWE 2k14 dlc pack 2 (warrior and ABA Taker) and dlc pack 3 (nW0) – please don’t ask me where to get these, I will not be providing copyrighted files.   
I have intentionally not released a save file for the following reasons:
-        I want to maintain cross platform compatibility. If ps3 support is implemented an xbox save file will not be compatible
-        Each person has their own universe settings, caws, etc.
-        At this stage the caw injector is untested and not working. People have requested to keep their caws and have the community dlc in the same save. 

Please DO NOT release a save file with the movesets and wrestler info below.

Step 1 – Copy the dlc file to your dlc folder
-        The dlc file I’ve included (dlc2) needs to be copied to your dlc folder. This dlc file replaces your dlc file file, so delete the dlc2 file first before copying the included dlc file. My dlc2 file to be deleted is called 267E5576B180BEBEABD7BE8863B0F5D62D7D37DE54.

-        If you’re not sure where the dlc file should be copied, copy it to  /Hdd1/Content/0000000000000000/545408B2/00000002

Step 2 – Injecting the wrestler info into your save
-        Firstly you need to extract your save from it’s save container as X-Packer can only read extracted saves.

-        Copy your SaveData.dat from your xbox to your computer. It is located in the /Hdd1/Content/your profile id/545408B2/00000001 folder.

-        Make a backup of your save before doing anything further. Also make a second copy of the save file somewhere, you may need this later. X-Packer uncompresses the save file and this uncompressed file can only be inject back into the container once by Le Fluffie. Le Fluffie gets confused if you inject a second time. So if you need to inject into the save container more than once, you will need to use the second copy of the save file you make.

-        Open your save data file using Le Fluffie and click the second tab called “contents”

-        Right click the file called SaveData.dat and click on extract.

-        Save this file using whatever name you want. I usually call the file SaveData_extracted.dat

-        Ok now the extracted save file can be opened in X-Packer. Click on File – Open – WWE 2k14 – Extracted Save file (xbox 360) – Wrestler Info

-        Select the extracted save file you created in X-Packer

-         You should see a grid listing all the slots in the save and the extension of the file should be pofo

-        Open the folder in the dlc pack called “2. Wrestler Info”. In this folder, there will be a number of files which need to be injected in the slots in the save. The naming of the files will tell you which slot it needs to be inject into e.g. Slot - 105.pofo needs to be injected into Slot 105.

-        Go back to X-Packer and on the each slot which has a corresponding file, click on inject and select the appropriate file.

Please note that the slots which are not activated by default will not have a slot number in X-Packer. However the slots follow sequence e.g. Slot 124 will follow Slot 123, therefore if you want to inject Slot 124, do so in the slot which follows slot 123.

If you have injected the file correctly, the slot number in x-packer will change to reflect the slot in the file which you have injected. Please ensure that the slot number is correct before injecting the next file. 

Step 3 – Injecting Movesets into your save file
-        Now that we have enabled all the slots, we need to give movesets and entrances to our new characters

-        Open your extracted save file in X-Packer.  Click on File – Open – WWE 2k14 – Extracted Save file (xbox 360) – Moveset and Entrance 

-        You should see a grid listing the movesets for each of the slots. The extension should be “moveset”

-        Open the folder in the dlc pack called “3. Movesets”. In this folder, there will a be number of files which need to be injected in the slots in the save. The naming of the files will tell you which slot it needs to be inject into e.g. Slot - 105.pofo needs to be injected into Slot 105.

-        Go back to X-Packer and on the each slot which has a corresponding moveset file, click on inject and inject the appropriate file.

-        After you are done with injecting the movesets and wrestler info into you save, you can now inject the extracted save file back into the container using Le Fluffie.

-        Open your original save file (SaveData.dat not the SaveData_extracted.dat file) in LeFluffie.

-         Open your save data file using Le Fluffie and click the second tab called “contents”

-        Right click the file called SaveData.dat and click on replace file. 

-        Selected your extracted Save file and Le Fluffie will replace the file with the one you edited. (Keep in mind what I said about injecting a save file twice with Le Fluffie. If you need to inject again into the container, use the second backup you have created).

-        While still in Le Fluffie, click on the security tab. Make sure that “Sign for CON” is selected and then click on “Fix”.

-        Now your save is ready to be copied back into your xbox.               

-        Copy the save file in the container (SaveData.dat not the extracted SaveData_extracted.dat) to your xbox into the save folder i.e /Hdd1/Content/your profile id/545408B2/00000001

-        Before you proceed any further, if you have copied the save file and the dlc file onto your xbox, the game will list the new dlc slots in the “Downloaded Superstars” section. Start you game up and check wether the new dlc is listed. At this stage there will not be any renders, names and the game will freeze if you select any of the new dlc wrestlers, so don’t select them.

If you game does not show the new dlc under the downloaded superstars section, ensure that you have copied both the dlc file and the save file to the correct locations on your xbox. Also make sure that the save file has been edited as described in the steps above.

Step 4 – Copy the content files to your xbox
-        Open the folder in the dlc pack called “4. Files to copy to your game folder”.

-        Copy each of the files in this folder to the correct locations. The files are in the directory structure in which they must be copied to.

Step 5 – Creating your arc files
-        Open the folder in the dlc pack called Arc Entries.

-        There are two folders here. The first folder called “Complete arc with Hogan and Goldberg mods” contains my completed arc files. My arc references my Hogan mods and Tich’s Goldberg mods.

-        You have two options here, either you can install my Hogan’s and Tich Goldberg and use my arc file or you can add the additional arc entries to your arc file.

-        If you choose to use my arc file, copy the arc from the folder called “Complete arc with Hogan and Goldberg mods” to you games folder, replacing your arc file.

-        If you choose to add the additional entries into your arc, open your arc file in a hex editor. Also open the arc file in the “Manual Arc creation” folder in your hex editor.

-        Scroll to the end of your arc file. You should see a section right at the end with the text “SAVE” some bytes after that, ending with “yyyy”. The corresponding hex values for yyyy is “FF FF FF FF”.

-        The “FF FF FF FF” at the end of the arc file tells the game that the arc file ends here. You need to delete this. Highlight the last four bytes in your arc file in your hex editor and press delete on your keyboard. 

-        Save your arc file before we proceed.

-        Go to the arc file which you opened from the  “Manual Arc creation” folder in your hex editor. Select all the values and copy it to the clipboard. Go back your file and paste these values right at the end.

-        Save your arc file and copy it back into the game.

Step 6 – Injecting strings into the dlc 3 file
-        This final step is to fix the names of the new dlc characters you added, you can leave this out if you are not concerned about the names. 
-        Open your dlc3 file in Le Fluffie and click the contents tab (my dlc file is called B66F56549929ABAE96EA716DD039B9C2FE86677C54). You need to replace two files here i.e. the “catalog_hd.arc” file in the “info” folder. You also need to replace the “string_dlc03.pac” file in the “pac” folder. Right click on each of the files to replace and click on the "Inject file" option. DO NOT use the replace file option.

-        After replacing these files, click on the security tab. Make sure that “Sign for dev live” is selected and then click on “fix.”

-        Copy the dlc 3 file to your xbox. 

Step 7 – Creating User Playlists
-        I’ve created the following user playlists on my xbox, create the same if you want the entrance music to load.The numbers are only for reference and should be used in the name e.g. 1. acolytes, your playlist should be called acolytes

-        Don’t edit the entrances using the in game entrance editor as you will lose the trons.
1. acolytes
2. bookert
3. buffbagwell
4. benoit
5. ddp
6. dx
7. shamrock
8. angle
9. lod
10. rvd
11. steiner
12. 2cool
14. goldberg

That’s it. If you have done everything correctly, the dlc pack will load. Enjoy J